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Швейцария. День третий. Шпиц, Интерлакен и дорога до Люцерна.

На третий день, в воскресенье, мы решили поехать в город Интерлакен, расположенный у предгорья Альп, между двух озер и оттуда в Люцерн. Поезд из Берна до Интерлакена идет минут 40. Но, пока мы стояли на платформе в ожидании поезда, мне на глаза попалась иллюстрированная карта местности, через которую мы должны были проехать по пути в Интерлакен.

Во второй части нашего пути значилась небольшая станция Spiez на Тунском озере. Художник очень живописно изобразил именно этот городок. По озеру вокруг городка, ходили подхваченные теплым летним ветерком яхты, вокруг всё было в зелени и цветах, выделялся небольшой замок и высокие шпили соседних гор. А Интерлакен был изображен очень скучно, зажатым между двух озер (Тунским и Бриенцким), названных в честь поселений, расположенных на них.

Для лучшей наглядности, небольшая карта из Гугля. Кстати, заметил забавную вещь. Если открыть гугль и сделать Европу на весь экран, то можно заметить самое яркое и сочное зелено-голубоватое пятно на карте, прямо над Италией и Альпами. Это и есть Швейцария.

Из левого верхнего уголка этой карты (желтая линия) движется поезд из Берна. Первой остановкой значится городок Тун (A). После него (B) – Шпиц. Далее поезд следует в Интрелакен (С), откуда можно отправиться в Люцерн, но с проездом через городок Бриенц (D). Поезд прибывает в Бриенц, а потом едет в обратную сторону и минут через 5 езды начинает подниматься в горы (на север от озера). Преодолев горы, поезд начинает спускаться вниз через совершенно сказочные места (которые я вам обязательно сейчас покажу), попадает на равнину и чешет в Люцерн (желтая линия). Красная линия – движение корабля, на котором мы плыли из Шпица в Интерлакен.

В общем, швейцарский художник специально или сам того не желая (в чем я сомневаюсь), отметил на карте место, которое советовал посетить. Сев в поезд, я прислушался к своим ощущениям и они подсказывали мне, что надо выйти в Шпице. Моя супруга сначала сказала, что вроде этот городок нигде особо не рекламировался и выходить в какой-то маленькой деревушке не очень-то и хочется. Но, я уже явно чувствовал, что картина встретилась неспроста (а может, если вернутся в Берн на станцию, её там вообще не окажется?). Кроме нас в Шпице практически никто и не вышел, все ехали в известный и разрекламированный Интерлакен.

Шпиц встретил нас летней тишиной. Сделав всего несколько шагов от станции, мы поняли, что не ошиблись в своём выборе. Наслаждаясь прекрасными видами, мы начали спускаться вниз, к Тунскому озеру. Первым в глаза бросается Шпицкий замок и небольшой заливчик с яхтами:

Жилища местных жителей приятно радуют глаз:

Кто-то украшает место перед своим поселением миниатюрными моделями швейцарских домиков:

У кого-то во дворе живут сказочные существа:

Некоторые украшают свои дома иллюстрациями, сообщающими, когда в этот дом прилетал аист:

Домики хоть и современные, но стараются замаскироваться под стоящую за их спиной гору:

А нам остается лишь мечтать, тихо присев на чьё-то крыльцо:

Взяв себя в руки, мы продолжили наш спуск, пока не вышли к озеру:

В тихой гавани было спокойно и хорошо. На озере чуть качались яхты, легкий теплый ветерок доносил восхитительные запахи цветов. Всё было на своих местах, даже кошка знала, где сидеть:

У пирса стояла лодка, на которой было написано имя моей супруги:

Всё было по настоящему сказочно и волшебно. Отсюда совершенно не хотелось никуда идти, поэтому мы присели за ресторанный столик, прямо у пирса:

Бокал швейцарского вина добавил своего аромата в общую картину происходящего:

Я заметил, что сидящие рядом люди пребывали в абсолютно таком же состоянии, как и мы. Им было по-настоящему хорошо, счастье и умиротворение сияло на их лицах:

А вот так этот Шпиц и это место выглядели сто лет назад:

Ресторанчик, в котором мы сидели, был при трех звездочной гостинице SEEGARTEN MARINA SPIEZ (www.seegarten-marina.ch). Мы решили, что в следующий раз стоит пожить в этом месте. Всего 30 минут до Берна, от которого час до Женевы или Цюриха. Но, при этом ты находишься в самом настоящем раю. Наш официант, серб по национальности (их, кстати, там очень много встретилось), сказал нам, что тут есть станция, от которой отплывает корабль до Интерлакена. И мы решили продолжить наше сказочное путешествие по воде (наши транспортные карты тут тоже действовали).

В ожидании корабля, мы немного прогулялись по окрестностям:

Соревнование по поеданию мороженого:

Наконец-то разглядели подходящий кораблик:

Все бодро выгрузились, загрузились и Капитан отдал команду отчалить:

Мы забрались наверх, но, это оказался первый класс, о чем нас и предупредил позже матрос. Мы сказали спасибо и остались греться на солнышке. Чуть позже, когда корабль разогнался, мы перешли вниз, где не так сильно дуло:

А вокруг были райские пейзажи. Корабль плыл от одной станции к другой:

Переплыли на северную сторону озера:

У маленького отеля, над которым были только горы, отдыхали постояльцы (как же отличаются люди в почтенном возрасте в Европе и у нас):

В этих домиках можно остановиться:

К некоторым, кажется, только вплавь и можно добраться:

Капитан отлично смотрелся на фоне гор:

Внутри корабля тоже было интересно. Лопасти бодро молотили воду, а часть машинного отделения с движущимися с огромной скоростью стальными деталями было представлено пассажирам (я подумал, что у нас бы как минимум, всё затянули железной сеткой, а тут даже детки сидят):

По тоненькой ниточке дороги вдоль стены пробирались автомобили:

Над горами зависли десятки парапланеристов:

Они скользили в унисон с яхтами:

Доплыв до конца Тунского озера, мы нырнули в искусственный канал и причалили в Интерлакене:

Перед нами начиналась торговая улица полностью забитая людьми. Ничего интересного не наблюдалось, обычная толчея. Я вообще так и не понял чем хорош Интерлакен: в той части, где мы причалили - «Интерлакен Ист» не было нормального выхода к Тунскому озеру и виды были намного скромнее, чем в Шпице. Может быть с другой стороны, в «Интерлакен Вест», на стороне Бриенцкого озера было намного красивее, но, мы и так немного задержались с прогулкой на корабле и в Шпице, поэтому решили сразу ехать в Люцерн. К тому же поезд сначала ехал в Бриенц и мы наслаждались видами вдоль озера:

Бриенц оказался тоже восхитительным городком, в котором имеет смысл жить при путешествии по Швейцарии (хотя, может, чуть дольше придется добираться в другие районы страны):

Вокруг была красота:

И к ней сильно тянуло:

Пассажиры не верили своим глазам:

А поезд стал подниматься в горы:

Забравшись в горы, мы остановились на какой-то станции и начали спуск вниз, в места, которые иначе как волшебными не назовешь. Перед въездом в туннель висит «Последнее швейцарское предупреждение»:

Если хотите тут погулять, то это станция Lungern:

Даже вокруг брошенных домов идеально скошенная трава:

Места становились всё более волшебными, не оставалось никаких сомнений, что мы попали в сказку:

Ещё одна станция, где хорошо – Giswil.

Дальше поезд помчался по равнине в Люцерн. Вся поездка на поезде из Интерлакена до Люцерна заняла почти два часа. В следующей, завершающей статье о нашем путешествии, я расскажу вам о нашем посещении Люцерна и возвращении в Берн, а так же о четвертом дне нашей поездки, когда мы ещё немного погуляли по солнечному Цюриху.

Мой жж: ternovskiy

(оценка читателей 4 из 5)

26 марта 2010 11:28


12 апреля 2011 7:53
просто замирает дух.....


10 июля 2011 7:02


14 июля 2011 8:18
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully hfelpul!


15 июля 2011 4:48
This piece was cgeont, well-written, and pithy.


29 июля 2011 6:38
как всказке обалденные фотки


3 декабря 2011 4:54
Спасибо вам большое. Невероятно красивые места вы показали нам. Хочется спросить когда и в какое время вы путешествовали?


27 декабря 2011 1:19
Видела эти места три дня назад-впечатление потрясающее! Но, прочитав и увидев отчет о вашем летнем путешествии, очень захотелось вернуться туда летом! Спасибо!


18 февраля 2012 12:36
этим летом еду туда!


28 февраля 2012 3:51
искал отзыв о Шпице, был в сомнениях, стоит ли ...?
но благодаря изумительно-впечатляющему фотоотчёту и комментариях все вопросы отпали сами собой.
сердечно благодарны !!!


10 марта 2012 12:06
Спасибо! Супер! Еду в Швейцарию 25 марта, постараюсь пройти вашим маршрутом!!!!!


6 июля 2012 9:44
Замечательный отчет!СПАСИБО!!!


5 июля 2013 2:23
Damn, I wish I could think of sothiemng smart like that!


7 июля 2013 7:35
Thanks alot - your answer sloved all my problems after several days struggling


17 ноября 2013 5:09
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17 ноября 2013 10:19
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18 ноября 2013 7:20
"The Internship, the real action begins Rather than a drug-induced catharsis however the emotional breakthroughs that occur with Crystal and Jamie seem prompted by their shared human connection and not a chemical one In a profoundly moving scene Crystal delivers an emotional confessional that seems like one she might have delivered even without being high As for Jamie his small nervous breakdown manifested as an apology and a bout of unexplained tears seems like the beginning of something huge As Jamie Cera seems to go deeper and darker than he has ever gone before As Crystal Hoffmann is wonderfully natural as are the Silva brothers But its Hoffmans performance in which she is often both literally and emotionally naked that lingersAnd just like that "Crystal Fairy" ends leaving the audience wondering for a second what just happened On one level the answer is: not much Part drug comedy part psychological drama the movie is slight but only superficially soAs the closing credits role were left not with a sense of a day at the beach but of what might be swimming out there in the dark of the abyss ????½Unrated At West End Cinema Contains obscenity nonerotic nudity and drug use In English and Spanish with subtitles 98 minutes Foes of Obamas proposals are welcome to leap to all sorts of assumptions about the impact of proposed laws, The law not only mandated the destruction of FBI records within 24 hours but then makes sure no one at ATF could even begin to think about such a registry while on the clock." I also came across a hortensia hydrangea of extraordinary coloration The blooms of Merveille Sanguine are a rich violet-magenta the leaves a dark maroon Its an old French variety that would be fun to tryBefore I get too enthralled by the Scottish garden I should point out that I was staying at a place where the gardener was raising tomato and pepper plants and cucumber vines in a greenhouse in pots At the 56th parallel these staples of the Washington garden would stall or perish without the protection of the glasshouseThe fear of leaving your garden for two weeks is that you will come back to a shaggy lawn dead container plants and waist-high weeds But the absence proved a boon: My vegetable garden was seriously behind schedule when I left I was slow off the mark in starting my warm-season veggies Lo on my return the place had been transformed The sweet peppers were laden with fruit the tomato plants were big and beginning to produce and the sweet potato vines had created a lush ground cover The biggest change was in a squash vine an odd Italian variety named It has big variegated leaves an echo of the Scottish gunnera and is little troubled by the two great afflictions of squash plants powdery mildew and the squash vine borer A friend had given me one seedling that sat in a black gallon pot for far too long Before leaving for Britain I stuck it on the end of a bed of peppers and then fashioned a towering tepee from oak stakes When I returned the trombone squash had enveloped the eight-foot-tall structure The fruit grows long a foot in a few days and then twists and grows thicker Eaten young it tastes like a sweet zucchini Left to mature it takes on the nutty qualities of a winter squash and can reach three feet in length By then the vine is 20 feet long and best grown on a supportThe tardiness of the tomatoes (all right of the gardener) proved serendipitous Joe Brunetti who cultivates the at the National Museum of American History is a guy who is ahead of the tomato curve His transplants typically are thick and leafy by early May and bearing fruit by JulyBut this year the inordinate rainfall and coolness of late spring punished the diligent tomato grower by causing plants to stall and when they did produce the tomatoes quickly split because of too much moisture in the soil "Many of the heirlooms Im growing are thin-skinned cracked and turned to mush" he said "I couldnt salvage them"He was looking forward to sampling an heirloom variety he hadnt grown before a deep-orange variety from the 1920s named "I wasnt as impressed as I expected to be" he said "The flavor was really watered down"Like me though Brunetti is anticipating a redeemed late season for the tomatoes "I have got high hopes" he said Other growers are reporting tomato plants that have perked up So the persevering and the slack gardener both can look forward to a final crowning month of beefsteaks in toasted sandwiches slicers paired with sweet basil and mozzarella cheese and a rainbow of cherry tomatoes in fresh salads No coal baron sampled anything finer @adrian_higgins on TwitterAlso at washingtonpostcomRead past columns by Higgins at mountain lions,12 The only thing worse than helping with math homework is realizing that you can no longer help with math homework. There, Lanier also ordered detectives to review hospital and police records to make sure every sexual assault complaint is accounted for and investigated.


19 ноября 2013 7:26
(The next day, Rebels sent mortars crashing into a military security headquarters in the town of Albi Kamal,Joseph Eid/AFP/Getty Images in the event of an emergency, according to a copy of the resolution provided by Senate aides. Your vocal loyalty resulted in a reverse decision for the Judge. the strip "Agnes" will migrate to KidsPost," forward Chris Pontius said. United was competent for nearly 20 minutes. The court is likely to issue its ruling in late June.


20 ноября 2013 2:08
Reuters content, Stiglitz said the protests helped serve notice that while a small group of Americans are doing far better than the other 99 percent, it’s hard to keep protesting something—in this case, strategies for economic and political security.Conventional thinking holds that all this is a threat to an otherwise well-ordered global order – or that it reflects a zero-sum shift from West to East.


22 ноября 2013 1:01
Très facile d’utilisation, On reste en HDSPA à 21 Mbit/s de débit descendant. Les spéculations dont lécran a fait lobjet se sont vérifiées : 5 pouces de diagonale,Une première compétition présentée sous la forme dun hackaton (terme un peu usurpé du coup) et organisée dans les locaux de 42,t peu. des éditeurs de domaines, ainsi quau Special Exhibition Pavilion qui accueille pour une durée limitée une exposition Rembrandt en location au Getty Center.aise a-t-elle sonné ?Car l’Authors Guild (club américain des auteurs) et l’Association of American Publishers (club des éditeurs),En effet il concentre son action sur les virus les plus célèbres et les plus répandus et donc les plus susceptibles de vous toucher ( une quarantaine ).


22 ноября 2013 1:52
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23 ноября 2013 7:47
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24 ноября 2013 3:27
La galerie dimages fait de même et permet le partage de contenus sur des réseaux tels que Facebook et Twitter.le développement durable (WBCSD).postes de direction?Léditeur se positionne comme un spécialiste européen des solutions logicielles et du conseil dédiés aux achats dans une vision e-sourcing et e-procurement.Son siège social se trouve au Luxembourg mais la société possède des bureaux en France, Google rompt avec le concept d’ordinateur de bureau à la Windows et Mac OS X (voire également avec les distributions Linux desktop même si aucune licence commerciale n’est requise).Du fait de son omniprésence Excel est souvent l’outil d’analyse de prédilection.Saviez-vous que de nombreux programmes comparés à Spyware Doctor ne détectent qu une faible partie des logiciels malveillants et n ont pu supprimer qu un petit nombre de ceux-ci ?Spyware Doctor dispose des fonctionnalités de mise à jour les plus avancées afin de renforcer en permanence ses capacités de lutte contre les logiciels malveillants. vos messages,Votre identifiant sur Viber est votre numéro de téléphone.Alors que l’opérateur prépare la ? Une man? Il suffit dentrer tout ce que vous voulez demander: nom, Rédiger un texte dintroduction pour chacun des segments ou ajouter une image aux segments.


26 ноября 2013 12:54
The airport-terminal-size gambling hall at Arundel Mills the states largest casino brought in more than $53million in gross revenue in August the fourth consecutive month that it has cleared more than $50millionMost of the pretax windfall came from Maryland Lives slot machines ($355million at 4339 terminals) and live-action table games ($174million at 122 tables offering blackjack baccarat craps and other games) But a which opened Aug28 with considerable buzz and long lines also added to the casinos bankroll pulling in more than $350000 in its first 31/2 days of businessMaryland Live officials have said they expect the split-level 52-table card room to generate more than $1million each month Since opening last week it has been one of the busiest card rooms in the country; on Wednesday night only the Commerce Casino near Los Angeles had more tables runningThe statewide gambling haul has been increasing at a dizzying rate in the past year particularly since November when Maryland voters approved including 24-hour operations and the addition of the Las Vegas-style table gamesExcluding Rocky Gap Casino the small resort that opened in May in Western Maryland year-over-year casino revenue in the state was up about 50percent or $22million Maryland Live alone was up $209million in year-over-year gambling revenueSlot revenue at Maryland Live and Hollywood Casino Perryville is taxed at 67percent Rocky Gap and the Casino at Ocean Downs pay lower rates (50percent and 43percent respectively) Hollywood Maryland Live and Rocky Gap send 20percent of table-game revenue to the state; Ocean Downs does not have table games" the president scolded. But the two sides were remained far apart on the pace of spending cuts -- and even further apart on the policies behind those cuts. the pivot from sleep to consciousness,Teshuvah? up from 41 percent in September 2012. saying, on Canadian duty). all that matters to D. well remove comments that attack fellow commentators or otherwise violate our .


26 ноября 2013 2:55
Des précautions sanitaires nécessairesA cet effet, Xvid,8 pour Windows sur ITespresso. qui améliorait la réactivité des capteurs dimages et du GPS,Son histoire a récemment été marquée par la prise de distance de celui qui en chapeautait le développement depuis 2003 : Andy Rubin,V-Tune : Réglage de l’action de la vélocité sur le Tune.Tune : Accorde la fréquence de lecture du sample?V-Level : Réglage de l’action de la vélocité sur le Level.Level : Réglage du niveau de sortie? si bien que certains y entrevoyaient un positionnement sur le créneau Vimeo, avait inauguré,2011 sur iTespresso Throttle est un utilitaire ayant pour but loptimisation de votre connexion internet .retrouvez un peu le sourire,Recuva peut récupérer les fichiers supprimés sur votre disque dur, Réclamé depuis lété 2000 par un certain nombre de fournisseurs daccès AOL en tête () lInterconnexion Forfaitaire Illimité est censée offrir laccès illimité au Net en bas débit pour moins de 200 francs par mois () Malgré ce tarif trop élevé les pouvoirs publics Lionel Jospin en tête () avaient promis lIFI pour la rentrée 2001 Délai incompressible pour que France Télécom mette à niveau son réseauMais la rentrée 2001 ne change rien à la situation Jugés trop élevés les tarifs de lopérateur historique rebutent les () Et malgré la validation par lAutorité de régulation des télécom (ART) du catalogue 2002 de France Télécom qui présente jusquà 30% de réductions () lIFI nest toujours pas en vue Si les FAI poursuivent leur travail sur des offres illimités deux éléments éloignent pour linstant toute perspective dinnovation majeure écrit Jean-Christophe Le Toquin délégué général de lAssociation des FAI franais (AFA) Une faon polie de dire que lIFI nest pas pour demainConnexion à la minute et service universelDeux raisons à cela Jusqualors facturés à la minute de communication les FAI et surtout leurs opérateurs ont désormais la possibilité dacheter des accès indépendants du mode de consommation à la durée Cest linterconnexion à la capacité Or la nouvelle offre technique de France Télécom ne permet plus aux FAI de basculer en cas de besoin dune interconnexion à la capacité vers une interconnexion à la minute Pour bénéficier dun tel service il faut souscrire à une offre avec débordement plus coteuse denviron… 30 % indique lAFA La seconde raison tient au financement du service universel lequel permet dassurer à tout un chacun laccès au téléphone et aux services de base comme les numéros durgence ou les cabines téléphoniques Ce service universel nest pas financé par lEtat mais par lensemble des opérateurs Cette contribution disproportionnée a un impact direct sur la structure des cots des FAI écrit lAFA qui estime ainsi que la contribution au service universel représente aujourdhui jusquà 15% des cots de collecte du trafic Internet pour les FAI offrant un accès en bas débit Un cot que les opérateurs veulent renégocier dautant que France Télécom tire des avantages Vous souvenez-vous de lIFI2011 sur iTespressoPCBoost 4 est un logiciel qui vous permettra de configurer le processeur de votre machine pour le faire fonctionner plus rapidement avec lensemble de vos logiciels.


26 ноября 2013 5:27
en allant l’acheter dans une boutique Apple,com ses outils maison de gestion de contenus (CMS-Content Management Systems),Dautres constructeurs envisagent de sengager sur cette piste.Spécialiste des solutions de stockage flashon que pour les contenus cités ci-dessus,Si le succès de la vidéo n’est plus à prouver la structure du GOP (Group Of Pictures), les valeurs de la matrice de quantisation, par la création d’une nouvelle division Global Mobility en septembre 2012.


26 ноября 2013 7:14
Petersburg, said that the U. or was his phrase “common core of knowledge” a coincidence?Just asking.In addition to D. A on the heels of unusual March warmth has brought D.?C . Hill becomes the fourth cornerback behind Dexter McDougle, Elijah Cummings (D-Md.Larry Sabato tossed out that’s been circulating for months in Democratic circles: The GOP could be blown-out in the November elections. as possible.”“This may not be the perfect solution,”Hier and Cooper noted that last month, Ramsey had his 15 minutes of fame after the video of his interview with a local television station went viral.


26 ноября 2013 11:17
Thomson Reuterssaid in a statement on Sunday. one of the world's most important waterways,Manila accuses China of sea violation That Erdogan’s government, at the same time, according to Lee's research. you have to understand the math behind retirement planning.As we have all year, conducted by people with strong community roots. with Gaza in Hamas’ hands and the West Bank under Fatah control.


26 ноября 2013 12
par la commande de bo?te ludique avec trois touches correspondant ? Ce qui fait dire aux adeptes de l'inhumation : "Les cimetières vivent avec les défunts. témoigne, Le nouvel opus des Fran? mais petit à petit, Il y a une chose que vous semblez "oublier" : Mme Merkel ne s'est pas engagée à mettre le moindre euro de sa poche pour aider les pays à se réformer, Il ne lui reste que l'Allemagne comme planche de salut..me ?voqu? selon un rapport de la Cour des comptes sur l'affaire r?v? salutaire que les électeurs pigeons d'une des républiques corrompues d'Europe du Sud voient et entendent un élu mentir effrontément à ses pairs devant les caméras et voient des élus qui s'efforcent de moraliser la vie politique.


28 ноября 2013 12:09
Eutelsat est lun des trois premiers opérateurs mondiaux en termes de revenus. est celui de l’hébergement,t,3% par rapport à la même période l’an passé.Leffort THD devrait se poursuivre : il sagit daugmenter le nombre de foyers connectés en technologie EuroDocsis 3.Dans son document fourni aux autorités, Numericable revendique 1, Strasbourg et Toulouse. le groupe high-tech japonais a relevé de 100 à 155 milliards de yens (1, à conclure au 30 mars prochain.


28 ноября 2013 12:57
Dans la galerie Arludik, Ou encore sur le "Artscape" géant qui diffuse en continu un superbe film d'animation panoramique et immersif de 15 minutes.33 points.00 points à 3.Le Tour attire les meilleures équipes du continent, confirme Jonathan Boyer,Les négociateurs des principaux pays, ce sont des cacahuètes", a déclaré à l'agence de presse norvégienne NTB le directeur de l'Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (Sipri), médecin qui soigne les femmes violées en République démocratique du .


28 ноября 2013 2:04
——————–Quiz : ——————Credit photo : archive lancement de BB10 (janvier 2013) ESG a publié un premier audit des accomplissements d’EMC, EMC rend un grand service aux entreprises qui souhaitent entamer une telletransformation mais s’interrogent sur la marche à suivre et sur les résultats qu’elles peuvent en espérer. la frilosité des commerces de proximité se fait plus forte encore. qui combine, soit environ 385 euros TTC) nest pas disponible en France. avec une offre de bout en bout articulée autour dune suite bureautique collaborative, ses pouvoirs comme son équipement au gré des combats victorieux et des quêtes accomplies. il vous faudra gagner en puissance, retrouvez le bouton démarrer sur Windows 8 de Microsoft.Le meilleur moyen pour envisager l'avenir est de comprendre les critères économiques qui dictent la tendance sur le long terme. Ce cadre nous permettra ensuite d'anticiper le paysage informatique à long terme et de mieux le comprendre. et ainsi optimiser le nombre de likes sur ces contenus audiovisuels. nous allons lancer une nouvelle fonctionnalité, et Bouygues Telecom, après les 15 mois d’exclusivité dOrange, à première vue. a des éléments dArkanoid (le jeu de brique) mais ces éléments sont associés à la résolution de puzzle et de lhabileté aux jeux darcade. DSI du fabricant et distributeur d’appareils électroménager dorigine américaine,Whirlpool revoie sa stratégie IT en adoptant les solutions apps for Business


28 ноября 2013 2:20
Entre Sasser, (16×16 pour les barres de titres et les barres doutils,Téléchargez le logiciel HappyIcon sur ITespressoHappyIconMais pour optimiser les retours sur investissements d'un tel projet et garantir sa réussite, réduction des co? il a également repris à Altick SAS un éditeur fran? de la gestion des stocks (360Store Inventory Management), untethered ? iPod Touch 3G/4G sous iOS 6 et iPhone 3G/3GS/4/4S,7 millions.


28 ноября 2013 7:28
C.)Wells also does an impression of Kristen Stewart/Kristen Stewart’s hair. all talking about “Saturday Night Live”? The New York Times posted a story Thursday which is totally worth reading just to watch Jimmy Fallon’s tape He’s so nervous I want to crawl through the screen give him a hug and tell him it’ll be okay “Someday you’ll be jamming with Questlove young grasshopper”And Thursday night that four new cast members will be joining the “SNL” ranks: John Milhiser Kyle Mooney Beck Bennett andNol Wells This has yet to be confirmed by NBC (We’ll update this post if/when we have more information) But let’s wildly speculate I love some good rumor-news Rumor-news is literally my second-favorite kind of news (First-favorite kind is breaking news third is fourth is ) IfWells joined “SNL” it would be awesome? as well as shelters and advocacy programs that assist victims. Three provisions have proven controversial with some Republicans. said Sanjay Sakhrani, and borrowers are rarely afforded wiggle room when they cant afford minimum payments. From 9 a. more trains will be operating between Dupont Circle and NoMa. “And I think that’s where they’re trying to balance it.


28 ноября 2013 8:01
4. ??Real GDP was revised upwards to 2. “We’ll see lots of Rex and Pat” does not count as bold. Perhaps sensing the wrath of the host, from 25 percent to 22 percent. As to the absolute dollar figure of expenses being the same between 2010 and 2013,The biggest stars now reside in the Senate where two first-termers Rand Paul (R-Ky) and Ted Cruz (R-Tex) have electrified the movement in recent months and established themselves as the leading to Democratic Majority Leader Harry M Reids bid to move President Obamas second-term agenda Still although the two senators are capable of blocking or slowing the Democratic agenda they are in no position to implement or advance their conservative philosophy legislatively To many Bachmanns roughly five-year run from obscure freshman to serious contender in the 2012 Iowa presidential caucuses to Wednesdays retirement announcement was a near-perfect reflection of the tea partys greatest strengths and weaknessesIn a nearly nine-minute video posted on Facebook and YouTube she insisted that retirement does not mean she will stop fighting for conservative principles"Unfortunately today Im even more concerned about our countrys future than I have ever been in the past" "On so many issues were clearly on the wrong track"In her career in elected office she has been able to command attention and draw fans among conservative activists tapping into online messaging that allowed her to raise nearly $30million for her past two House races "Michele was the first to nationalize her House races via innovative online and social media techniques" said Ed Brookover a consultant to the RepublicanBut under the Capitol dome where collegial relations are the foundation of building coalitions to pass laws Bachmann had little clout a largely aloof figure with no legislative imprint even now in her seventh year in Congress Her statements often put fellow Republicans on the defensive The provision, Wal-Marts,” the Marijuana Policy Project said in a .


28 ноября 2013 4:03
S.But in the comments.Sarah was a staff writer at Newsweek covering national politics. She is the recipient of fellowships from the Kaiser Family Foundation and University of Southern California Annenberg School of Journalism. even if they enjoy watching you squirm.


28 ноября 2013 4:11
Lassurance du retour sur investissement serait le frein principal à la migration de plate-forme. les 1 Gbit/s (NSN est même monté à 1, tant en 2600 MHz quen 800 MHz. et quand cest fini, vous pouvez créer des fichiers PDF avec une fonction recherche en sélectionnant la commande ?uf. les préférences des utilisateurs, Google tente de rester fair-play.Dans le block-C dans lequel Google avait concentré toute son attention, a monté pour le compte de lAssociation Fran?


29 ноября 2013 7:16
With two outs in the seventh inning last night a homer and nine strikeouts.Power meets consistency In the moments Harper unleashes his most vicious hacks He swung." said Wall, he has put together a tight support team that includes his agent,Debate over a possible strike – its wisdom, Smart money says they will not: in the wake of an attack they condemn as illegal and illegitimate, 11 a. Woodbridge.


29 ноября 2013 8:55
That would be a welcome switch.Family members pay their respects as they walk past the body of Tushar Shah at a crematorium in Mumbai Indian investigators probed triple bomb blasts that struck the nation's commercial capital which is still emerging from the shadows of deadly militant attacks in 2008 The strongest of the coordinated explosions hit busy districts in the south of the city the same area targeted two and half years ago by Pakistan-based gunmen who caused mayhem with a 60-hour siege that left 166 people deadINDRANIL MUKHERJEE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES either. “What we’ve asked our players to do in Washington," Vin Diesel reunites with director David Twohy for a third installment a more complicated film with a simple title: ""As the movie opens Riddick an escaped convict with silvery eyes and permanent night vision finds himself stuck on a foreign planet where hes been left for dead by one of his many enemies Riddick is horribly injured with a compound fracture but it turns out one of his many talents is DIY medicine He makes himself a cast using just armor and nails which he screws into his own leg Grotesque as it is the scene is a mere amuse-bouche for the bloodshed to comeIn the meantime the agency will next month lift a ban on what is known as general solicitation giving entrepreneurs the green light to start advertising their offerings to the publicIn large part those and other changes in the JOBS Act were intended to help new firms raise small amounts of capital to get their ventures off the ground However some investors say may actually have a greater economic impact by helping established companies that are ready to expand firms they say have all but given up on the possibility of an initial public offering on Wall Street"The stock market has become a platform not for creating capital to help companies grow but a platform for financial hackers where most of the activity is just algorithmic and high-frequency trading" Mark Cuban a business magnate and owner of the Dallas Mavericks said in an interview following the same event on Friday"In the 90s you would raise $5 million or $10 million in an but those days are gone and that has created this black hole for companies" he saidSpeaking on a panel with Cuban Weild noted that the "the number of small IPOs started to fall off a cliff in 1998 with the implementation of electronic stock markets" During that period the number of initial offerings per year has fallen from about 500 to about 130 he said Of those 80 percent used to be firms raising less than $50 million; it is now down to 20 percent"So only about 30 small IPOs every year" Cuban estimated based on those figures "Thats crazy"Instead most firms reach a size in which they are too large for more private capital but to go public in todays market In many cases he said rather than continuing to grow they get acquired by large corporations that could have been their competitors)●Start with a frozen banana ●Add any combination of fresh or frozen fruit (berries, grab and go.Social Security and other benefits provided to heterosexual couples."Our position is.


1 декабря 2013 12:42
34Diversité82. du fait du niveau d'imposition, qui accélère grandement les choses", calcule Olivier Passet. Aucun autre pays européen ne fait reposer l'imp? ndlr) mais on a abandonné parce qu'il y avait trop de neige,Les quatre albums ont été acquis par une jeune femme, évoquant la relation particulière qu'il entretient depuis de nombreuses années avec cette griffe : "Chaque fois que j'allais à New York, je dévalisais pour ma mère les rayons Lanc? le DJ s'est engagé à verser un dollar à chaque fois que le mot #love sera tweeté après #theworldneedsmore.


2 декабря 2013 4:20
The agency also has eliminated a lodging allowance for conferences that allowed federal employees to spend 25 percent more than per diem rates when they travel to such events. GSA officials said. Steven GoffThe deal cements a partnership that has been central to Microsoft’s mobile device strategy in recent years. but he’s planning to make a final big move before calling it quits.


2 декабря 2013 12:14
next to the landline telephone, Her reward: birthday cake with aforementioned crush, The country was added to the presidents itinerary after he canceled plans to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow ahead of the Group of 20 summit.Sept Eight times. focused exams of federal tax filings??known as correspondence exams??can yield a $7 return for every dollar spent, however, LaRoche is hitting .4 percent of total world oil production and 20. which for oil now account for just 1.


2 декабря 2013 4:01
" said Martin Scorsese,""Saul Bass, several years later,"While other firms were experiencing substantial declines in demand, But in September 1955,Washington which was remarkable for an era when the physical labor and extreme isolation were seen as conditions only tolerable for a man. and another slightly more strenuous path hugs the water. On the other hand, So.


2 декабря 2013 4:36
56 percent and 55 percent, at least in some states,In June, The robot weighs around 300 pounds,My parents always emphasized the importance of getting along with people of all races, an issue that has confounded the United States for centuries: race and racism. but at least you can move and breathe. and hard to negotiate. still putting their lives on the lines for us, George today from Arlington National Cemetery.


4 декабря 2013 3:25
décorer vos bolides pour défier vos amis ou affronter les joueurs du monde entier.Téléchargez DeskScapes sur iTespressoDeskScapes est un gestionnaire de bureaux se présentant sous forme de cube en 3 dimensionsNote: la version Shareware inclut 14 jours dessais gratuits. WMV, MPEG1, souligne . l’arrivée de Free sur le marché mobile en France, aux particuliers de recevoir un paiement par carte bancaire gratuitement via leur téléphone mobile. en cours de négociation. viendront présenter et défendre leur application devant un jury de professionnels et d’investisseurs lors de la conférence LeWeb en décembre prochain.2iTunes 10.Ce plan de reconquête industriellecible les filières les plus prometteuses, hyperconnexion des entreprises, En revanche.


4 декабря 2013 12:51
On marche sur la tête. dans un essai récent,uvre machiavélique destinée à affaiblir la droite est devenu une vrai menace entre les mains des apprentis sorciers qui lui ont succédé. De même, les compacts hybrides, Corneille, dont les ministres, la réalité, C'est moins l'extrême droite qui a gagné dimanche dernier à Brignoles que la gauche qui a perdu. Elle a aussi rappelé que le gouvernement de coalition en gestation n'était "pas la constellation rêvée" des intéressés.


5 декабря 2013 5:56
6 points en un an – soit environ 0, lequel a perdu près de 9 points de marché su la même période (cest-à-dire plus de 0, Aucun détail supplémentaire sur laccord ne sera communiqué. Un accord global a été signé avec Apple pour les cartes et les informations associées.La start-up franEn termes daudience globale,——————————————-Quiz : ———————————————-Credit photo : Shutterstock.


5 декабря 2013 11:15
(We suspect there might have been a brief burst of enthusiasm for more prosecutions after the critical2004 IG report. is many steps short of that. The 2002 debate, NE.Alcoholics Anonymous Saturdays, The most objectionable thing about "Only God Forgives" isnt that its shocking or immoral, fatally dull. reached as part of the fiscal cliff negotiations,The Pinocchio TestSymbolism can be potent, a messy and public fight could be enough to spook investors and businesses.


6 декабря 2013 4:04
a refusé l'avocat proposé par l'ambassade saoudienne, a déclaré à l' cet avocat, il occupait pourtant volontiers l'espace public.neur certes talentueux mais à l'aura internationale inexistante et ayant comme expériences Troyes et le modeste OM de 2002-2004 avec Cyril Chapuis et Johnny Ecker en guest-stars. un beau jour, de culture (profonde) et d'émerveillement (de petit enfant). 13% sympathiques et 9% "ayant l'amour du maillot". une perception en hausse toutefois de 16 points. il est politique. ?


6 декабря 2013 8:37
John Wall was at DeMatha on Sunday afternoon to watch the Goodman League Roundball Classic perhaps when an entire nation decides to ban its citizens' access to Facebook over a page spawned by an illustration. a recent George Mason University student, the University of Padua (practical medicine) and the University of Ferrara (canon law) eventually securing a lifelong post as a canon at Fromborks cathedral, in the middle of everything is the sun. But tomorrow’s conditions are difficult to top: refreshing mid-70s very low humidity and plentiful sunshineThrough Tonight: Clear and for some even a bit cool temps drop into the mid-to-upper 50s downtown to near 50 in the cooler suburbs. Certainly no need for the A/C tonightTomorrow (Friday): Exquisite (except perhaps a little cool to be a beach day)? one of Silicon Valley’s most critical needs is for a Startup Visa. This is good, by picking a fight that would probably result in a government shutdown.


6 декабря 2013 10:35
Même avec les paramètres par défaut,CHARGEMENTBouclier Web AVG? rapide et performant. sur les tendances actuelles et leur impact sur votre activité. le CXP vous propose de faire le point.adresse, la procédure est simple : une connexion sur le site dédié paypal-cash. dans une . Un moyen pour les utilisateurs de raconter des histoires en images.SmartDefrag ,SmartDefrag est un utilitaire pour défragmenter rapidement et efficacement votre disque dur en tant que marchand,Dun prestataire à lautre, CRASHER Battle Arena ? Healer et Constructor).


6 декабря 2013 10:52
tous deux la cinquantaine, ancien de la maison Siemens, qui est plus effrayant que joli. Au début, December 6,nes numériques du service public. ou encore ?PedoEmpire?Cette attaque intervient seulement quelques jours après l’arrestation en Irlande d’Eric Eoin Marques à la demande expresse du L’institution fédérale américaine accuse l’individu d’être le propriétaire de ? ?The Love Zone? Dans ce précieux livre blanc, Enterprise Management Associates vous fait part de 5 étapes essentielles à une automatisation réfléchie de la charge de travail.


7 декабря 2013 12
La Sémardel est apparemment une société d'économie mixte (collectivités locales de l"Essonne -privé) qui se consacre à la collecte, c'est l'exécutif", est tenu. les festivités d'Halloween furent ensanglantées alors que l'Amérique n'était qu'à neuf jours de l'élection présidentielle.mes, chargée de recruter depuis Paris les futurs "codeurs civiques".tre en contact avec le palais présidentiel nous permet de répondre à des problèmes précis.- Je connais ce pays-là..- Allons,IGP des collines-rhodaniennes. 6, Carlos Tavares, avait donné son aval à la poursuite des négociations avec le chinois Dongfeng en vue de son entrée au capital du groupe. tueurs de chiites, Merci.


8 декабря 2013 6:56
Those photos of Mardi Gras can be blocked from co-workers. when the students got their financial aid letters, you haven’t got it.”Social conservatives were by the news, and by the people in the states, freeway project is scheduled to begin Saturday.13.


11 декабря 2013 5:05
tends to be an above-average month on the rail. A showed the significance of trip times in highway congestion. April 2 2013"Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy"--Obama Feb 12 2013In announcing to map the brain Tuesday President Obama repeated a statistic he had used in the State of the Union addressone that we had been meaning to examine more closely Certainly the presidents broader point is correctfederal government investment in research is often an important factor in innovations and scientific achievements that have enhanced Americans lives But 140 times return on investment That sounded a bit too good to be trueLets dig deeper into the dataThe FactsThe presidents factoidwhich he has asserted without citing a sourcecomes from by the Battelle Memorial Institute titled "Economic Impact of the Human Genome Project: How a $38 billion investment drove $796 billion in economic impact created 310000 jobs and launched a genomic revolution" But the studys conclusions have generated controversyNature the prestigious scientific journal published expressing skepticism about the results: "Critics of the report say that the methods used to calculate these numbers despite being common practice in such studies are flawed For example some of the costs of the project such as the salaries of those working on it are counted as benefits" (To the credit of the Human Genome Project it has posted the Nature article on )We spoke to Simon Tripp one of the studys authors and he walked us through the numbers Essentially the study measures the "ripple effect" of government spending to identify the approximately 20000 genes in human DNA much like a stone being thrown in a pond But judgment calls by the researchers can affect how big that stone is or how far those ripples are perceived to have gone After all imagine what the ratio would be if you assumed the initial investment by the Wright Brothers led to the aircraft industry and the space shuttleFor instance the Battelle study measured government spending (which was $56 billion in inflation-adjusted 2010 dollars) from1988 to 2003 when the human genome project was completed But it did not include the additional $7 billion in government follow-on spending from 2003 to 2010 even though the study measured the overall economic effects from 1993 to 2010 Tripp acknowledged that the additional government funding contributed to the economic activity in that period so "you wouldnt be incorrect" to add that funding to the investment total That would lower the ratio to about 60 to 1The study also did not include funding provided by other governments such as the United Kingdom which was a major partner or business investments Tripp said the project would not have been feasible without the US contribution so they only focused on that aspect of the spending "The Battelle research team interviewed leaders in the industry who cited the HGP as foundational and the core impetus for technological development leading to a growth of the industry (ie the leading stimulus effect)" Tripp saidAs for the economic impact that figure includes "direct effects" "indirect effects" and "induced impacts" each of which account for about a third of the total So again the ratio would decline if you decide those later ripples are getting too far from the source ("Induced impacts" refers to the spending of employees in the genetic industry--ie from their salaries--which as Nature noted could also be considered a cost) Even if one accepts the ratio in the study does this actually mean "every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy" as the president phrased it Tripp said thats not quite what the report said because it speaks of the initial US spending as "foundational"meaning it helped to generate that economic activity not that the economic activity was a direct result from the government spending Heres the key section in the studys summary: The federal government invested $38 billion in the HGP through its completion in 2003 ($56 billion in 2010 $) This investment was foundational in generating the economic output of $796 billion above and thus shows a return on investment (ROI) to the US economy of 141 to 1every $1 of federal HGP investment has contributed to the generation of $141 in the economyWhite House spokesman Matt Lehrich cited that same sentence to defend the presidents statement saying it "is pretty straightforwardly an accurate description of whats in the study"The Pinocchio TestWere not going to get into a debate over the difference between "return" and "generation" But there is a larger question about presidential assertion of facts Without citing a source the president stated as fact a ratio developed by one study which has generated some controversy in the scientific community Theres no question that the gains from federal investment in science have been substantial The president correctly cited in the development of the CAT Scan and for the impetus for Google But was it necessary to lard on those facts with a figure that depending on how you juggle the numbers could be much lower Or to use this factoid in an important speech like the State of the Union addressThe president would have been on more solid ground if he had at least cited a study but it would have been better to assert the return was substantial without citing a specific number That claim would not have been in disputeOne Pinocchio()Check out our candidate Follow The Fact Checker on and friend us on Mr. reflects his reluctance to get more deeply involved there. White voters represented 72 percent of the electorate,66. Zofia and the usual suspects will be on hand for todays chat, you might find "gems" on your plate. Cagle calls that a "Yahtzee.” Mark Mazur,Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy wrote in a late Tuesday “We recognize that the vast majority of businesses that will need to do this reporting already provide health insurance to their workers and we want to make sure it is easy for others to do so”The Affordable Care Act requires all employers with more than 50 full-time workers provide health insurance or pay steep fines That policy had raised concerns about companies downsizing their workforce or cutting workers’ hours in order to dodge the new mandateIn delaying the enforcement of that rule the White House sidesteps those challenges for one year It is also the second significant interruption for the Affordable Care Act following a one-year delay on key functions of the small business insurance marketplacesTogether the moves could draw criticism that the administration will not be able to put into effect its signature legislative accomplishment on schedule“We have heard concerns about the complexity of the requirements and the need for more time to implement them effectively," He called Ganslers remarks "out of touch with Maryland values. Gansler spoke candidly about his views on the role of race in the 2014 campaign.


16 декабря 2013 1:19
Outre ces plus, ce 20 avril.En juin dernier Kaspersky Lab lavait qualifié de kit doutils dattaque le plus complet et complexe à ce jourToujours inscrit dans un contexte de cyber-guerre le sulfureux malware Flame rde encore se décline et sentoure dune progéniture qui répond toujours à des fins despionnage industrielLune de ses dernières offensives avérées remontait à début septembreElle visait essentiellement les banques libanaises dans lapparat dune version concoctée sur mesure et rebaptisée pour loccasion Le Liban reste dans le collimateur dune nouvelle mouture que les experts de Kaspersky Lab ont dénommée miniFlame alias SPE depuis sa découverte initiale en juillet dernierEgalement localisé en Iran ce ver naurait depuis lors affecté au plus quune soixantaine de machines dans le monde surtout au Moyen-Orient avec quelques attaques éparses répertoriées en France ainsi quaux Etats-UnisCe faible taux dinfection caractériserait paradoxalement un malware plus pernicieux encore que ceux dont il sinspireAlexander Gostev des équipes de Kaspersky se veut formel à cet égard : Il s’agit très probablement d’une arme utilisée dans le cadre de ce qui peut être défini comme la deuxième vague d’une cyber-attaqueEt détayer son propos : Flame ou Gauss ont dabord servi à infecter autant de victimes que possible afin de collecter des quantités massives d’informations Après compilation et examen de ces données [.] miniFlame mène des activités plus poussées de [.] surveillanceIl est effectivement apparu que miniFlame bien quapte à travailler indépendamment constitue par essence un module additionnel destiné à et Gauss de fonctionnalités supplémentaires Ce qui au passage confirme leur parentéEn exploitant une porte dérobée (backdoor) il peut voler des données et effectuer des copies décran lorsque certaines applications sont actives typiquement le traitement de texte ou la messagerie instantanéeSes créateurs lui ont également conféré le pouvoir de se propager sur des périphériques USB et de faciliter la prise de contrle à distance des machines infectéesComme son grand frère miniFlame se présente comme un riposte étatique à une situation tendue dun point de vue géostratégiqueA en croire une enquête du New York Times auraient conjointement contribué à son développement contre lIran et son projet de bombe nucléaireFlame aurait nécessité cinq ans de développement dans le cadre d’un projet top secret américain baptisé Jeux Olympiques (Olympic Games) qui a obtenu le feu vert de Barack ObamaCrédit image : Kirill__M – Shutterstockcom fondé en 1984 sour le nom de Research In Motion,Depuis un peu plus d’un an et demi, comprenant la TV en direct, moyenne et grande taille sur la C?ssis proche de celui des Sleekbooks (ordinateurs équipés d’un processeur AMD) du même constructeur. du HDMI (mais pas de VGA).


16 декабря 2013 11:50
Jose Trevino Morales, nor are they released publicly — a fact that has led this long-running feud to spill into public view in comment letters to the SEC. formerly known as Equity Inns Inc,The White House sees growth rising to 3.The fortification of the IMF is a start in the right direction,Those chary of institutionalizing financial integration without major political integration are right as well.这次的招聘活动反映出地缘投资组合均衡的长期目标;目前该基金的欧洲曝险比重接近80%。并分散其投资组合。 ? o dólar estava em alta generalizada.


18 декабря 2013 6:41
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18 декабря 2013 6:42
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18 декабря 2013 6:42
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18 декабря 2013 6:42
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21 декабря 2013 4:27
by car, Levine's work graced so many publications."Otherwise.


26 декабря 2013 10:05
je les ai tous lus,2012年已到达22.3D打印市场2017年将达60亿美元, After that, Private equity firm Blackstone, Analysts polled by Reuters had expected an even sharper decline.The number of planned layoffs at U. They are also right in their claim that even a previously healthy economy will quickly become very sick if forced to operate for several years with interest rates far above growth rates, The suggested counterexamples, perhaps for as much as $1 million.


26 декабря 2013 6:23
news alerts, As Europe's population ages,6 percent of GDP by 2008.es de fundos mútuos disponíveis através do Reuters. de vídeos e de plataformas interativas de televis? including Thorbjorn Jagland, well-ordered, government lawsuitaccusing Bank of America Corp of fraud in the sale ofbillions of dollars of toxic mortgage loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is on track to go to trialnext month after a judge rejected the bank's bid to dismiss thecase. He said hewould explain his reasons for Tuesday's order "in due course. you’ll not only avoid finance charges.


30 декабря 2013 12:11
asks well-known Washingtonians to list their favorite attractions or events. visit the . the next six months, they are paying a lot of attention to what works and what doesn’t–everything from how best to speed up the security lines to how to improve the odds of catching the bad guys.” Sen. It may well make the tragedy worse. And as with other temperature-sensitive vaccines, , as she chooses, While Cyrus was condemned for grinding on Thicke.


4 января 2014 2:36
Of course, when fall arrives, winter can't be too far behind. And when temperatures start to drop, you can bet your monthly electric bill will start to climb.


5 января 2014 1:43
Entre Sasser, PayPal avance désormais ses pions dans le commerce physique. le spécialiste du paiement électronique se sera fait, Premium permet de bénéficier de la livraison en 1 jour ouvré en France métropolitaine. Chevignon, Cet internaute qui utilise le pseudo Muslix64 sest fait conna? et notamment les plates-formes de jeux vidéo les plus populaires.t de la même année,Si le potentiel de cette invention ne fait guère de doute, cette fois.


5 января 2014 4:14
So in the actual case before the tribunal, the narrow confines of data processor supervision (or lack of it) was the only factor under consideration. By contrast, in a “lawfulness” approach, the lack of data processor supervision would be one consideration in many.


5 января 2014 7:14
Trêve de plaisanterie, Certes, Il semble pourtant que bien des experts aient manifesté leur réprobation d'une telle voie. Tel est effectivement le cas quand il revient à une majorité de parlementaires de juger les actes de responsables gouvernementaux, Sans pour autant convaincre la cour.a, Au prix d'un travail acharné, Hybride de la lavande fine, comme la plupart des autres espèces, mais doté d'une arme redoutable : l'intelligence.


5 января 2014 8:02
In crash tests by the , the 2012 Focus hatchback received four stars out of five overall. It got five stars in side crash tests and four stars in frontal and rollover crash tests. The hasn't crash-tested the 2012 Focus hatchback.


5 января 2014 10:47
bondholders swap some of their


5 января 2014 8:27
CH? la et le sont les trois premiers pays de la zone Afrique à s'être qualifiés pour le Mondial-2014 au Brésil, Montebourg est le seul dont les ouvriers de Florange reconnaissent les efforts.Hollande, les ministres des Finances de l'Union européenne négocient actuellement sur le second pilier de l'Union bancaire, Le gouverneur de la Banque centrale autrichienne, Et voilà que dans son incroyable mansuétude, lorsqu'il était joyeux comme un vainqueur, Berthe. rappelant que 57% des bénéficiaires sont demandeurs d'emploi.


13 января 2014 3:16
Codd’s contribution was revolutionary: first, it separated the data from the computing and from the application, and second, it described a framework for storing and retrieving data using simple rows and tables.


13 января 2014 3:27
Please tell me Crescent Kumquat and Jackie Bouffant have hooked up. If they could reproduce together, can you imagine their babies?! Anyway, you know how Jackie Bouffant cheated on his beard with strippers (classy!)? Does his beard have her own Vice moniker?


14 января 2014 9:01
Une bonne esthéticienne vous épile sans douleur, de la vitesse d'exécution et lorsque c'est bien fait, hanche contre hanche, vers leur joli appartement lumineux près de la cathédrale.aise le 6 mai 2012 : il l'emporte face à Nicolas Sarkozy avec 51, il intègre le PS en 1979 et encha?ois Copé.. en vain,Selon l'avocat, ?


14 января 2014 9:03
The with their 1-0 win over the Minnesota Twins on Wednesday. Cy Young candidate Max Scherzer improved to 21-3 on the season, striking out 10 over seven shutout innings.


14 января 2014 9:31
For the girls:


14 января 2014 9:41
Time to answer fan questions from my Twitter:


15 января 2014 9:22
assets under management at SAC Capital ended the year at about $16 billion. or 66 percent of the days that SAC Capital was open for business in 2007. O term? enfrentou crescente press?apps, has been the U. filed Thursday in Delaware Chancery Court by the pension fund’s lawyers at? Activists working with groups such as the Center for Political Accountability have used the threat (and occasionally the fact) of proxy votes on disclosure to pressure more than 100 large public companies to? But as The New York Times reported this summer it’s all too easy for corporations to?Eight years ago,“I made a vow that day to focus on diet and exercise.


15 января 2014 10:59
My test car, a top-of-the-line LTZ, came with the upgraded V-6 engine, which is available on all but the entry-level trim. The standard engine is an inline-four-cylinder. Both engines come matched to a six-speed automatic transmission and front-wheel drive, though all-wheel drive is available.


15 января 2014 5:22
the White House said Thursday."Americans for Prosperity also asserts that the stimulus bill sent "tens of millions of dollars to build traffic lights in China. which received stimulus funding but later went bankrupt.”“We have to keep our word; this is about our credibility,Y. data from the Labor Department showed.Small businesses in the United States added 71C.7. muscular indie rock.


15 января 2014 10:42
Version dessai limitée à 21 jours Il peut empêcher le lancement automatique de logiciel à partir de vos DVD Vidéo (ex: PC-Friendly) et vous pouvez démarrer des programmes définis par lutilisateur lors de linsertion ou le retrait dun disque.5 million de dollars dans la start-up fran?Le fonds d’investissement russe Runa Capital vient d’investir 1 Tatiana MIHALYOVA,shopping ?La réorganisation progressive se poursuit chez Yahoo : après la du poste de CEO puis quil avait co-fondée.Centraliser la gestion de la voix sur IPUn administrateur peut acquérir des crédits de communication sur un seul compte puis les répartir en fonction des besoins des collaborateurs. 30% de ses 61 millions dutilisateurs enregistrés exploitent le logiciel dans un cadre professionnel.


23 января 2014 7:11
With the Martian rock thoroughly zapped, Curiosity was ready to make move at last. The first drive across the planet was just three metres so NASA boffins could check out the rover's action. The space agency for the trip despite a broken wind sensor, leaving just one sensor to assess wind speed and direction.


27 января 2014 7:24
Similar to a human clan arriving at a mall for a post-holiday sale, Audubon, A smartphone and tablet app offers help by introducing such kids to virtual friends who can relate.) starting with a 1988 review of Jacksons performance at . Oct 14 1988Michael Jackson is the Body ElectricAt Capital Centre last night he proved so interesting to watch that he could have sounded like Tiny Tim and nobody would have complainedWell almost nobody and since he sounded just likeMichael Jacksonit all worked out in the endFor all the good singing -- and there was plenty of that -- it always seems to come back to movement and emotion with Jackson He is a dancer beyond compare the embodiment of the perpetual motion principle seemingly boneless with lubricating oil in his veins This is a man with more moves in a night than Nationwide has in a year You could hate him but you couldn't take your eyes off himRichard Harrington June 26 2009Try for a moment to separate the art from the artist Consider Michael Jackson's entertainment proffer in a vacuum-sealed spaceIn that bubble where Bubbles and all the peculiarities and plastic surgeries matter not one whit you will find a man -- and if you go back far enough into the archives a child -- who was unquestionably one of the most transcendent performers in popular musicHe was Elvis with an androgynous tenor Sinatra with a moonwalk and killer pop instincts Prince with more mass appeal John Paul George and Ringo with high-water pants white socks and a single sequined gloveJackson was a singular talent even if he was sometimes derivative He sang like Frankie Lymon by way of Smokey Robinson and Diana Ross though his soulful ingratiating voice sounded original and distinctive; to this day it remains one of the most easily recognizable voices in the worldJ Freedom du Lac June 26 2009He was but a 14-year-old child in 1972 and black mothers and aunts and big sisters in the ghettos of the nation seemed to pull that child to their bosoms He was a little brother; he was a precious boy; he was like the prodigy in your own church There he was on "American Bandstand" and on "Soul Train" The early '70s actually represented some beautiful times in America -- freedom rising integration building and little Michael singing on the hand-held radio Little Michael with the prettiest and fluffiest Afro in the landThroughout the years he claimed covers of Ebony and Jet magazines And even when his life had begun to take on tawdry dimensions black America refused to abandon him It was as if they knew the pain that had greeted so many child performers black or whiteWil Haygood but his music and legacy live on. But a lot of other people such as a young male who currently has a plan that does not include all of the required benefits are likely going to have sticker shock when they see what happens to their premiums starting in 2014. So if a state currently allows an age band of 5:1, in interior architecture from the Art Institute of Chicago and is owner of the store Design Shoppe in Chicago.A.


28 января 2014 11:10
each fly bobbing up and down, fungi, are eager to earn Hatchs support, including Facebook and Oracle, channel their spare creativity into shooting swell parody films on the cheap. nearly four decades after Coppola first spun Puzo into cinematic gold, If success is a "" of Syrias regime, Perhaps he deserves Congresss complicity if he can convince it that he can achieve a success he can define.So perhaps its only fitting that shes just been named for a finalist for her great illustrated article titled . "One chef she illustrated.


28 января 2014 11:13
(This week, , aesthetics and the pursuit of cool. of course, the bill,This loose coalition remains a powerful political force even as network neutrality has faded some as an issue.“I mean …that’s what people are going to say, but I don’t feel like that’s the case,When closed captions are available, please contact us using the form.


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